
Lower costs. Easier setup. We simplify fundraising for your event.

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We help organizations raise millions of dollars each year.

We can help you too.

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The PledgeReg difference ...

Complete Event Integration

Seamless integration with your athleteReg event registration page! We create a dedicated PledgeReg fundraising page for each participant and send them fundraising details upon registering for your event.

See how we’ve helped organizations up their fundraising game and how it can work for you!

Case Studies

Monitor. Report. Incentivize. Succeed!

We have the simplest setup in the industry and tools to ensure success. With our robust and easy-to-use reporting you can track anything and everything! See who has accessed and updated their fundraising page, or which teams or individuals have reached specific event director-defined fundraising thresholds and send messages of encouragement. Learn more about the tools available to you and get started today!

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No Hidden Costs

We don't nickel and dime you with setup fees, monthly maintenance fees, or tiered membership levels to access features and benefits. What you see is what you get: it’s all here, it’s all yours, and we only get paid if you are successfully raising funds. We have some of the lowest transaction fees in the industry to boot. Can your fundraising efforts afford not to take advantage of that?

Why Us
"The Hot Chocolate Run began in 2004 and athleteReg has been an important partner since the beginning."
- Sarah Smith, Director of Development

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

Learn more about PledgeReg